00 25/04/2015 21:59
dato che non ho un telescopio ho preso in prestito il telescopio Ben della rete MicroObservatory




Object: Moon
Filenames: Moon150425005617.GIF and Moon150425005617.FITS
Date: Fri, Apr 24, 2015
Start Exposure: 05:56:17 PM
Reference Number: moguest-04/24-11:49:21g
Comments: MicroObservatory is run by the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
Town: Amado
State: AZ
Country: USA
Telescope's Name: Ben
Camera: Main
Exposure Time: 00.10 sec.
Filter: Grey (ND4)
Focus Value: 1850
Zoom: In
Right Ascension: 07h 38.2m
Declination: 16 degrees 06 minutes
Altitude: 74 degrees 22.4 minutes
Azimuth: 184 degrees 52.9 minutes
Hour Angle: 00h 05.5m
Local Siderial Time: 00:42:32
Greenwich Mean Time: 00:56:17
End Exposure: 05:56:19 PM
Longitude: 110.88
Latitude: 31.68
Mode of Operation: Interactive over WWW.
Tracking: Sidereal
CCD Temp: 274.00
Ambient Temp: 296.00
Circuit Temp: n/a
Finder Offsets: none

Compito della scienza non è aprire una porta all'infinito sapere, ma porre una barriera all'infinita ignoranza.